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"Weeping, she began to wet his feet with her tears and wiped them with the hair of her head..." -Luke 7:38
Read: Luke 7
Back in graduate school, we had our share of underwater weighing assignments. Underwater weighing is regarded as the most valuable tool at determining body composition. However, in order for the subject to be seen accurately, it takes an extreme amount of effort and courage on the part of the person being tested. See, as you're lowered into the water, you have to empty your lungs, breathing out every drop of air possible.
The woman in Luke 7 defied ridicule and disregarded the rules to do one thing: to pour everything she had at His feet. Broken, she just had to break free and nothing was going to stop her from seeing her Lord. After her tears cleaned His feet and her hair dried them, she courageously emptied her alabaster bottle of valuable perfume for Jesus to breathe in.
Friends, don't miss it today. When we're empty, we allow Him to see us. When we breathe it all out, He breathes it all in. If only for today, let's pour our health at His feet like perfume and tears. Lord, here is all our praise, expressed from the top of our lungs.
--Jimmy Peña
Appropriate for today is our exercise of choice: the plank. This exercise has no movement whatsoever but has plenty going on. The plank primarily works the muscle called the transverse abdominis -- the muscle most responsible when we breathe out air. Try it, as you read this sentence, take a deep breath and then blow out as much as possible. Keep going....keep breathing out....feel that? Well, that muscle ache deep in your gut is exactly that, deep in your gut. In fact, the transverse abdominis is highly responsible for the strength of your spine and helps prevent low back pain. The stronger the transverse abdominis, the better your posture and the more likely you are to enjoy abundant low back health. Try it. Each day, shoot for a longer plank time. Here's how to get it right:
PLANK | Focus: Core, abs, lower back
Lie facedown on the floor with your body straight and forearms resting on the floor. Slowly press your body up off the floor onto your forearms and toes. Keep your abs pulled in tight and your back flat while holding this position.
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April 14, 2011Read: John 13
"I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you." --John 13:15
Yesterday I found myself washing feet. Well, not literally, but serving others didn't come easy. If you're like me, some days it takes muscle to move a muscle. In fact, when I was asked to help someone, I hesitated so long that I think grass actually grew. No seriously...I didn't budge.
But in my reluctant moment, ironically, I had to reach for a water bottle and I don't know why, but the thought of Jesus washing feet came to mind. Forgive the comparison, but there is no comparison. Simply put, if God can clean feet, I can jump to mine.
TRIVIA THURSDAY Time to exercise your gray matter on today's quiz
1. What is the safest time of day to have a cheat meal? a. Right after a blistering workout b. First thing in the morning c. In the middle of the day between lunch and dinner d. Right before bed
2. The wide-grip seated row exercise works which muscle(s)? a. lower lats, upper traps b. lower lats, rhomboids c. Upper lats, upper traps d. upper lats, rhomboids, middle traps
The first one to get both answers correct gets a complimentary PrayFit wristband and PrayFit Cap!
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