Since 2009
Life is a Subhead
"Those who say they live in God should live their lives as Jesus did." --1 John 2:6
Subheads are critical. Ever had to write one? Well, over the years, Eric and I have agonized over our share. For those who may not know, a subhead is that little, tiny sentence under the title of an article, short story, book or manuscript. It's more than the summary sentence and greater than any synopsis. Extract the root of a 10,000-word body of writing and distill it down to one pivotal, all-encompassing core phrase, and there's the subhead. In fact, every one of those 10,000 words -- every paragraph or sidebar -- is subject to it. And above that, it can make the difference between someone reading more or leaving the store. Make no mistake, although it's short and sweet, it's powerful and nothing means more to the author than someone being drawn to the story.
Our lives are subheads in a way. I remember as the fitness editor for magazines, my purpose was to help people shape their bodies, but I wanted my words to help shape souls. I wanted a different subhead. And I'm grateful you're reading it.
The office worker who refuses to gossip, that's a subhead. The cashier at the supermarket who -- after standing on her feet 12 hours -- still asks, "How are you?" and means it, that's a subhead. The second string athlete who out-hustles the starter -- subhead. What's yours? Are you a teacher, lawyer, assistant, stay-at-home mom or dad? Friends, we have the honor and privilege to agonize over our daily subheads, constantly rewriting and revising to get it right. Why? Simple. Someone reading us may choose to turn the page. Our lives are short and sweet, but they're powerful and nothing means more to the Author than someone being drawn to His story.
--Jimmy Peña
For Discussion: As many of you already know, the last thing we want you to be known for is your body. Good health, poor health, it's how we serve God, family and others with our bodies that matters most. How can your health help write your subhead? Are your decisions for an active, abundant life fueling your God-given purpose or do you need to make some adjustments in this area of stewardship? Please share your thoughts below.
Stand with both hands directly in front of you, knees slightly bent with roughly a shoulder-width stance. Keeping your chest up and back flat, squat down until your thighs approach parallel with the floor then explode upward as high as possible, allowing your feet to leave the ground. Land on soft feet with your knees bent and repeat immediately.
"By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." --John 13:35
Have you ever taken a picture that was so good, so clear, so perfect that when you shared it, you needed everyone to know that you didn't use a filter? Why? Because you wanted others to know that you had nothing to do with it. It was that good. You were just happy to pull back the curtain. Speaking of pictures, I'm rather a novice at Instagram (@prayfit), but you'd be surprised at how good of a photographer I think I am after a few nifty filters. A shade here, a little darker there. Oh yeah. Now it's ready to be shared.
Curious, but have you ever wondered to yourself, "What kind of a filter am I for Christ?" The bible says in John 13, "By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." I guess you could say that love is the bible's version of a filter. But we use our own, don't we? We gloss ourselves up. "Surely people will know that I'm a believer based on my physical and mental strength. I'm absolutely positive that the world needs to experience God through my charisma. And since I'm supposed to be strong and courageous -- in case you want to get run over -- I'm coming through in Jesus' name!" But really, the filter we should be using is a filter of love. Otherwise, we're just blocking the view.
Boy, aren't we so thankful that we wear Jesus on our hearts? Like we said last week, when God looks at us, we're seen filtered through the blood of Jesus Himself. And we had nothing to do with it. That's love. And it's all ready to be shared.
--Jimmy Peña
For Discussion: Are you delivering your message at work, school, social media, or in your community with love? Do this today: Before you press send, post, call or offer any advice to anyone, whisper, "Lord, is this your will? And am I showing your love with my words and deeds?"
RECIPE: Chicken or Tuna Salad Pockets
Selecting the proper protein to build a dinner around can be fun — unless you’re crunched for time. If you need a speedy solution that’s healthy and palate-pleasing, try this recipe from PrayFit contributing nutritionist Emily Ann Miller, MPH, RD.
“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”— Matthew 5:16
To a lot of people, the cliche "Actions speak louder than words" means something. But if you can't hear, it means everything. I thought of that the other night while sitting outside of Trader Joe's grocery store with my lab Josey. She and I have become somewhat of regulars outside of the exit door. Well, at this particular Trader Joe's, there's a very nice man (we'll call him Matt) whose worked there for years. He mans the cash register, stocks shelves, and is often outside helping organize shopping carts. I've never seen Matt without a smile on his face. Seeing Josey, he walked over to us, knelt down and began to give her love as he often does. I grinned in appreciation, then noticed a mother and her small boy holding hands walking up behind him. Cue the lesson.
"Excuse me...why is the light off?" I looked up at them before glancing back to Matt. Speaking a little louder she said, "Excuse me, sir..." Now, at this point, Matt was getting Josey good behind the ears (and she's milking it of course) until the woman tapped Matt on the shoulder. He turned as he stood up, and she repeated herself, "I'm sorry to bother you, but my son is curious why the light is off on the side of the building." The two simultaneously pointed up to the marquee, which by that time of night should already be on. Matt looked up, nodded in recognition and then enunciated as deliberately as he could, "Light. Off."...then the three of them walked inside together.
Please forgive all the detail, but that night I was at a loss for words. See, like Matt (deaf since birth) the world can't hear us. And like the little boy and his mom, you and I have to show them the light. Our actions mean everything. We can say what we want, but unlike Matt, people don't read lips. (Thank you Lord for putting us on that bench).
Well, a block away from the store, I turned back. The light was on. Only because someone who could see decided to show someone who couldn't hear.
--Jimmy Peña
Question: How will we shine light in a dark world this week? How can our attempt to care for our health be one small way we do that? Please share your comments below.
Workout of the Week: Push-Ups and Planks
If you're short on time, but long on enthusiasm, today's workout will meet both needs. No equipment required -- all you need is some open space and 5-10 minutes. Even if you had other plans for the day's workout, indulge us and give it a try anyway.
Plyo Push-Up: Akin to a normal push-up, this version requires you to have your hands leave the ground on each rep. The plyo push-up stimulates and innervates the fast-twitch fibers (the ones most responsible for tight, toned muscles). Upon failure -- the point at which you can no longer continue with good form -- go right into the...
Standard Push-Up: Do as many as you can. The push-up works the chest, front shoulders and triceps, not to mention your core musculature. Upon failure move right into a...
Straight-arm Plank: Basically, you're in the start of a push-up position with your arms straight, palms pressing into the floor, back straight and abs tight. Hold that position for as long as possible. When your arms begin to shake and fail, lower yourself to your elbows and begin the...
Standard Plank: Hold that position above the floor until failure. Like the straight-arm version, the plank works the innermost core muscles (transverse abdominis), the muscles that support your spine and ultimately your entire body.
After a brief rest, repeat that sequence. Chart your reps (or total time) for each exercise and strive to do better the next time you try this workout.
August 19, 2011Read: John 13
"Love one another." -- John 13:34
If you can't seem to find me today, chances are good that I'm still at the Hallmark store. Like many a husband, I waited till the last minute to find the one thing that matters most to my wife: a card. (See, today is our anniversary).
Sure, I could come home tonight with chocolate, flowers and diamonds, but if I were to forget the card -- I may as well have forgotten her name. If I've learned anything after 16 years it's that jewelry may reach her hand, but words find her heart. Her reaction says it all.
Friends, God gave us the world, but He didn't stop there. No, He didn't want the world to be the closest we get to Heaven, so He put His love in writing. And what matters most to Him - our reaction - says it all.
WEEK IN REVIEW A short stroll down Memory Lane for the fit and faithful
>> NETWORK: Single clicks to PrayFit's online communities
>> RECIPE: Get quick protein with tuna or chicken salad pockets
>> VITAMINS: What is the most overlooked vitamin in the fight against obesity?