Since 2009
February 14, 2011Read: Chronicles 4
Quote of the Day: "O Lord, that you would bless me indeed. Increase my land, keep your hand upon me and protect me from the evil one, so that I may not cause pain." --1 Chronicles 4:9-10 Workout of the Week: Legs in 10
You may not have heard it here first but you've certainly heard it here often: Training your legs regularly is one of the best things you can do to enhance your body composition. The quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes and calves represent a large portion of your body's musculature so, by working them hard you burn more calories. This, of course, on top of the more direct benefits such as increased strength, stamina and power production. This lower-body routine allows you to train for multiple goals at once, without equipment and in just a few minutes.
Warm-up: Jog in place for 1 min.
High-knee running Jumping jacks Squat jumps Split jump lunge Speed skaters Wall squat hold --Perform each exercise for one minute, taking no rest between exercises. Then, repeat the entire sequence once or twice more.
SHARE: How is everyone doing in their daily fitness routines? Runners? Weightlifters? Walkers or swimmers? We want to hear from you in the comments section below!
FEATURED WORKOUT JOURNALS: >> Eddie71: The man with the plan
>> PrayFit El Paso: Building team accountability
>> Tina Meinhardt: Back on the bike
December 7, 2010Read: John 20
"Unless I see the nail marks in his hands, I will not believe it." --John 20:25
Kicking off our first book tour in El Paso last weekend, I had the chance to see some family. One dear couple in particular was my Uncle Eddie and Aunt Margaret. My Uncle Eddie is my "Tocayo." The term Tocayo means "someone with the same name." But not only do we share the same name -- Edward -- but I was named after him. James Edward Pena. We even have a Tocayo handshake -- it's a special bond.
Well, my Tocayo is almost 84 years old, with a sweetness in his eyes and a tenderness in his voice. A contractor by trade and known for being able to build anything whatsoever, Tocayo sat and told me of the old days when he'd build someone's home on their word alone. Long before you needed things in writing, my uncle said that a handshake meant the deal was done. You were trusted to do the work and in turn, you trusted that you'd get paid. Times and people sure have changed.
As he spoke, my thoughts went to Jesus. As believers, we all wear His name. He's never changed and never will. Talk about someone we can trust! He not only said it, He put it in writing. And rather than offer a hand, He extended both.
Learning the finer points of effective journaling can make the difference in reaching your fitness goals
Accountability -- a singular concept that can define you as a person. It can also determine just how healthy and fit you can become, which is why keeping a detailed fitness journal is a must. And while there are no hard-and-fast rules for journaling, there are a few things that you can and should keep track of in order to maximize your progress.
1 EXERCISES/ACTIVITIES: If you have taken the time to dedicate yourself to an exercise program, it should have some structure. Keep a careful and consistent list of which exercises or activities you are performing on a workout-to-workout basis so that you can have a gauge on what is and is not working for you.
2 VOLUME/INTENSITY: Think sets, reps, time and weight. Dutifully charting each of these variables will not only give you a baseline by which to set future goals but it can also prevent overtraining.
3 FEEL: It's important for you to journal how you feel, both at the start and conclusion of physical activity. How good (or bad) you feel can point you to other key factors, such as what you've eaten, how you've slept or other emotional stresses that can play into your progress (or lack thereof).
Again, workout journaling can be very subjective. For a look at how some other PrayFit members are building accountability, visit our forums by clicking here.
>> WELCOME: Also, PrayFit issues a special welcome to new forum member sdonati1. You can visit sdonati1's journal here.