Since 2009
Life's Greatest Pleasure
"People will be lovers of themselves." --2 Timothy 3:2
Read: 2 Timothy 3
I happened to run across one of those motivational posters this weekend. You know, the kind with those powerful statements meant to inspire you to be all you can be. Well, even though it wasn't exactly new to me, this one caught my attention nonetheless. It said, "The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you can't." Evidently, people agreed because it had about a million "likes" underneath it. And why not? Who doesn't want to show the world? But then it dawned on me: How many times someone has actually said to me, "Jimmy, I don't think you can do that." How 'bout you?
You know, if there's one thing I've noticed about the fitness industry it's that there's a self-placed chip on its shoulder and the delusion that someone is daring to knock it off. For whatever reason, Godly confidence has been replaced with a harsh, in-your-face tone, backed up with visuals. That topic demands a week's worth of devotions, but let me take it further. Even if it was true -- even if the world placed bets against one's "ability" to be do something, in fitness or otherwise -- is proving the world wrong life's greatest pleasure?
The correct answer brings me a long way to this point, and one that we try and get across at PrayFit. Let's not take so much pleasure in doing what others say we can't. Let's take pleasure in doing what God says we can. If they intersect, great. If they don't, even better. Besides, if man says I can't, and God says I shouldn't, I'd rather show Him than show them.
--Jimmy Peña
Discussion: Can you spend so much time in the gym or counting calories trying to "prove" the world wrong (whoever that is) that you actually miss what God is calling you to do with the health you're building? What if the world said, "Believer, I bet you can't invite a perfect stranger to church. I bet you can't give to the homeless person on the corner. I bet you can't be modest." If that's what the world said we couldn't do, I wonder if we'd try to prove it wrong. Would it help us if we realized those things are God's will already? Share your thoughts below.
STUDY: DIABETES ON THE RISE Just exactly how prevalent is this disease and what can it lead to? A new study highlights a few grim truths.
>> Click here for the full report.
>> For one of the best written books on the diabetes epidemic, pick up Sugar Nation by Jeff O'Connell.
August 19, 2011Read: John 13
"Love one another." -- John 13:34
If you can't seem to find me today, chances are good that I'm still at the Hallmark store. Like many a husband, I waited till the last minute to find the one thing that matters most to my wife: a card. (See, today is our anniversary).
Sure, I could come home tonight with chocolate, flowers and diamonds, but if I were to forget the card -- I may as well have forgotten her name. If I've learned anything after 16 years it's that jewelry may reach her hand, but words find her heart. Her reaction says it all.
Friends, God gave us the world, but He didn't stop there. No, He didn't want the world to be the closest we get to Heaven, so He put His love in writing. And what matters most to Him - our reaction - says it all.
WEEK IN REVIEW A short stroll down Memory Lane for the fit and faithful
>> NETWORK: Single clicks to PrayFit's online communities
>> RECIPE: Get quick protein with tuna or chicken salad pockets
>> VITAMINS: What is the most overlooked vitamin in the fight against obesity?
February 15, 2011Read: John 13
"A new command I give you: Love one another." -- John 13:34
If you looked for me yesterday, you needed only to check the Hallmark store. Like many a husband, I waited to the last moment to find the one thing that matters most to my wife: a card.
Sure, I could come home with chocolate, flowers and diamonds, but if I were to forget the card, I might as well have forgotten her name. See, jewelry reaches her hand, but words find her heart. And her reaction says it all.
God gave, and He could have stopped at the world, but didn't. He put His love in writing. And to Him...our reaction says it all.
This week's workout -- Legs in 10 -- revolves around various versions of the squat. That's because this multi-joint move, which includes action at your hips, knees and ankles, is central to nearly every activity that we perform on a daily basis both in the gym and out. Done properly, the squat uses a tremendous amount of muscle, meaning that strength gains -- and fat loss -- are sure to follow. Familiarize yourself with the basics of the bodyweight squat to start changing your body from the legs up.
Bodyweight Squat | Focus: Quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings, lower back | (VIDEO)
Stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart, a light bend in your knees and your toes turned out slightly. Keeping your head neutral, abs tight and torso erect, bend at the knees and hips to slowly lower your body as if you were going to sit down in a chair. Pause when your legs reach a 90-degree angle, then forcefully drive through your heels, extending at your hips and knees until you arrive at the standing position.