You Believed In Me

Pastor Rick Warren recently told a story that he had heard as a kid. You may have heard a version or two of it from your parents, but as the story goes, a group of 12 frogs were traveling together through a forest when two of them fell into a very deep, dark pit. The other 10 frogs gathered around the pit. When they realized how deep it was, they were certain this was the end of their two friends. 

The two frogs who'd fallen into the pit started jumping with all their might to get out. But from the perspective of safety, the other 10 frogs began to urge the trapped frogs to stop trying and just accept their fate. They kept yelling, "You're in too deep! There's no way you'll get out of this! It's impossible! Save your strength and die peacefully!" 

But the two frogs at the bottom ignored the comments and kept trying to jump out. Still, the safe frogs kept yelling, "It's no use! It's hopeless! Save your energy!" Finally, one of the frogs in the pit got so discouraged by all the negative news, that he gave up and died.

But the other frog kept jumping harder and harder. And with every jump, he seemed to get stronger and stronger. It was an amazing effort to watch. Finally, he made it out to safety! 

The other frogs looked at him in astonishment and asked, "Why did you keep trying so hard when we were all urging you to give up?”

Interpreting what they said from their gestures, the frog explained, "Well, actually I'm deaf - so I couldn't hear a word you were saying. But I could see you were all shouting vigorously at me. I assumed it meant you believed I could make it and were encouraging me to not give up. So I was determined to keep trying as long as you believed in me!"

Powerful, huh? Not shocking, but I can’t read that without crying. As a sentimental fool, I look at this story from so many angles. I’m curious how you view it. Please let me know in the comments section below. One idea that puts a lump in my throat is to consider the frog with special needs looking up and seeing his buddies rooting for him. He wasn’t gonna let them down. Maybe he never felt like he had pals before. He never knew he was so loved. Unlike his counterpart, he would die before he quit. Yeah, that gets me. I can relate to the frog that didn’t quit.

If you’re like me, you train alone or work alone, having much of your collaborations online and through email. Yet, when we look up we feel encouraged to keep trying because of voices we don’t even hear. Maybe it’s because we can hear a still, small one. But if I listen to my own voice sometimes, it’s not always bueno. I tend to be anxious, proud, shameful, prone to self-promotion and blown expectations and full of regret. So I can also relate to the frog that gave up.

Anyway, do me a favor today and go outside and close your eyes. You’ll notice something that has been increasingly evident to me. The birds seem to be chirping and singing with a renewed volume. They’ve taken it up an octave. I don’t know why, but yesterday I mentioned to Letta that it sure is funny that we share the same Heavenly Father as the birds, but as they’re up there whistling, I’m down here worrying. They’re busy doing what they were created to do. I’m scratching my head trying to create. They’re flying. I’m pacing.

I’m reminded of the old poem:

Said the robin to the sparrow, “I should really like to know,
Why these anxious human beings rush about and worry so.”
Said the sparrow to the robin, “Friend I think that it must be,
That they have no Heavenly Father, such as cares for you and me.”

Whether they’re talking about us, I’m not sure, but they are talking to us. Over the next month, you’re going to sense a theme. As Christians in the fitness industry, we’re gonna rise above stuff. I’d start by going back and reading “Patios and Pulpits” from Friday in case you missed it. But along with our final push to engage people around the country to participate in The PrayFit Run on May 2nd, we will be reminded of how much God loves us and is rooting for us. He gets us and He’s full of joy. And that joy gives us strength amid our weaknesses and circumstances. This is me jumping in silence. This is me whistling as I get to work. My name is Jimmy Peña. I’m a broken man; fully trained and highly motivated.

In a sentence, what’s your name and what’s your story?

— Jimmy Peña


shirts and medals and goodie bags are coming your way! All proceeds to benefit those impacted by special needs and disabilities.


Carry Your Purpose


Patios and Pulpits